Why I signed up for Ship 30 for 30 🚢

This is my first writing class in years. The last might have been when I was a teenager in school learning how to structure an essay (about 15 years ago). I want to share the three reasons why I decided to sign up for this online cohort-based writing course.

#1 To learn to write

I read a lot. I have insights and ideas. But I don’t do anything with them.

I used to hate reading and writing. I was never good at writing and the lack of interest and skill reinforced each other. I’ve changed since then and now I want to something to come out of all my consumption.

#2 To learn to think

I consider myself to be a “slow” thinker and it’s something I want to change. Part of me feels that I can do this by making my thoughts clear and connected. I see writing as the method to clarify my thoughts and connect ideas so I spend less time doing them on the spot.

#3 To learn to connect

I don’t post on social media much so this is a huge change for me. I fear that people are watching me (which should be my goal) and judging me (but I know that they’re not). I want to speak to people with similar aspirations, interests, and fears.

I’ll revisit these thoughts at the end of the course to see whether I achieved what I had hoped. If something here resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!